About us

The primary role of Red Beard Restaurants is restaurant management and operations. Chef Gillespie's passion lies mostly in kitchen operations and concept creations but as a group our focus is hospitality in its entirety. We believe in creating memorable experiences and consulting for other companies gives us the ability to share what we’ve learned with others. We offer customized, specific, individualized consulting services tailored to your needs and goals. We start by listening to your needs, understanding your business through focused discussion and then collaborate with you to build a successful business as a team. We constantly strive to challenge ourselves to be better and that uncompromising approach is contagious.
Email Marco Shaw for inquiries and consulting workSTRATEGIC PLANNING
- Marketing and PR Strategy
- E-Newsletters and Social Media
- Website Development
- Brand Design and Development
- Brand Development
- Promotions Design
- Talent Recruitment
- Staff Management
- Employee Incentive Programs
- Employee Training
- Manuals/Policies
- Concept Incubation
- Concept Analysis and Development
- Business Plan Development
- Menu Analysis & Development
- Recipe Development
- Bar and Beverage Plan Development
- Reservation System Management
- Inventory Management Systems
- Hiring & Onboarding
- Daily Operation Systems
- Service Systems
- Business Assessment & Insight
- Business Improvement
- Concept Refresh
- Concept Turnaround
- Management Workshops
Chef Kevin Gillespie:
- Chef/Culinary Personality
- Restaurateur
- Cookbook Author